Zoogz: Battle Begins

5 min readMar 1, 2023

3… 2… 1… Battle!

Gm/Ga/Gn (whenever you may be reading this) to our tribe! Time to talk about something highly anticipated in the Zungle — battling. Hope your Zoogz have been eating. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, check out our previous posts. Battlez will be going live next week and we’ll be getting into all of the nitty gritty throughout this article. As always check out the TL;DR at the end, although with this one, you may want to read the full article first.

Battle Basics
Zoog Battlez are a concept we initially teased with the surprise airdrop of Monkeez Cratez and it has been quite the undertaking. If you’ve played any video game with some sort of fighting and/or RNG calculation, the basic battle steps will be very familiar to you, but let’s do a full walkthrough:

A player (player 1) may initiate a battle with their Zoog for a specific amount of $MNKZ to play with. This $MNKZ balance is transferred to the contract so as to ensure the player has enough tokens to play. If player 1 wishes to cancel the battle, they will be refunded their $MNKZ in full. A second player (player 2) may accept this battle with a Zoog not currently in a battle and an equal amount of $MNKZ.

Through the power of blockchain smart contracts, the MNKZ is transferred to the contract and a random Zoog stat is chosen to be compared. Whatever Zoog has the higher total score (see below for how this is calculated) wins the battle and gets the total $MNKZ played with. In the case of a draw, both players are refunded.

Total score is made up of a few key components:
- Dice roll
- Zoog level
- Type bonus

The first part of the total score is the dice roll. In a battle, each Zoog rolls a 20 sided dice to get a random number to add to their total score.

The second piece is their level. A random stat (aggression, toughness, smarts, vitality) is chosen to be compared, and of the chosen stat, every 5 levels adds a point to the Zoog’s total score. For example, if your aggression is level 33, you would get 6 points added to your total score.

Everyone has weaknesses

The third piece is the type bonus. Certain types have advantages over others, see below. Type bonus adds an additional point to the total score.
- Glow beats Puff
- Drip beats Glow
- Lump beats Drip
- Puff beats Lump

To VRF or not to VRF: The Hybrid Model
That is the question…

Historically true random number generation on chain was extremely difficult because everything is public. If this is news to you check out some resources here, here, and here. Off-chain oracles like Chainlink are very helpful in solving this problem with true verifiable randomness. In order to take advantage of this verifiable randomness, transactions have an additional $LINK cost (in addition to avax gas) funding the Chainlink nodes.

How does this affect Zoog Battlez? Battlez have two options available to players on creation. The player creating the battle may either choose to start the battle as a VRF or non VRF battle. If they select to use VRF, they must have a bit of $LINK in their wallet to add to the subscription fund. If not, they just need to accept the risks associated that are linked out on the battle creation page. Players accepting battlez must also have a bit of $LINK if they wish to accept a VRF battle so both sides pay for the randomness.

Zoogz have energy — minifridge needs to train his Zoog more

The Energy System
When you go to the Zungle dashboard, you’ll notice your Zoogz have a new metric, energy. Each Zoog has 10 total energy points that can be “spent” every 24 hours, very similar to how the item cap works with leveling. Zoog Battlez is the first task to use this system and costs 2 energy points a piece.

minifridge talking [redacted]

The Road Ahead
First and foremost, we want to thank our outstanding community for being what is today. We say this all the time, but we really never expected to receive all of the support we have when we launched Monkeez for a 0.2 AVAX mint last May. The community is what makes this space fun and why we keep building. The tribe is strong.

Battlez marks the end of the public roadmap for the Zungle, but not the end of development. Battlez are launching in “beta”, something we will expand as the Zungle continues to grow. Our team is always thinking of new ideas and new fun things to implement, several of which have already begun behind the scenes and maybe already leaked.

Battlez will go live sometime next week
- Hybrid VRF model used for RNG dice rolls
- Energy system launches
- The tribe is strong
- Pls bro read the article there is a lot of info

Appreciate you all,
Monkeez Team

